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 The 1970's

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Posts : 483
Website Started : 2013-08-04
Location : The Tardis

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PostSubject: The 1970's    The 1970's  EmptyTue Aug 06, 2013 8:19 pm

Tom Fowler and Myself 1970

My first true love  lol! 

The 1970's  Tom110

The 1970's  Tom210

This was a time full of music of a different nature for me, but also a time when I met some of the best musicians, as well as some of the most famous musicians of the time, ANd to be.

Tom at this time was associated with a wide array of musicians, in both the Jazz arena, and the Rock arena, everyone from Claire Fisher, and Doc Severnsen, to David LaFlamme, Carlos Santana, and the long standing association with Frank Zappa.
Tom is still going strong as a well sought after bass player today.

Last edited by Sojournstar on Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 483
Website Started : 2013-08-04
Location : The Tardis

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PostSubject: A band called Spaces - Salt lake City, Utah - 1970's   The 1970's  EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 3:02 pm

A Band called Spaces.
This was a time frame of the 1970's, 
Salt Lake City, Utah based.

Below is a group shot taken at the Flamingo Lounge 
(The Flaming O, among traveling musicians) 
in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The 1970's  19344413

While below we have Lady Pepper MacBeth  I love you 

A Halloween concert at an auditorium (which one evades me)
in Salt Lake City!

The 1970's  19344411

YES YES, I know, but take a good look, cause you will never see such a thing from me again. The camera does not lie (it's true), it sees ALL!!  What a Face 

The 1970's  19344410

We looked pretty normal when we were rehearsing (below), which prompts 
me to tell a short story about sometimes PR folks and prospective agents 
can mean well, while proving they know absolutely nothing about artists, or
how they tick  Very Happy  Short story below!

The 1970's  19344412

Just like any other band would, we were not against any attention we would get 
from prospective agents, scouts, and the like. It is always flattering. The one thing any true artist will never do tho, is compromise their art. Case in point.....

An agent approached us at one point in the 70's, or maybe we met him in other circumstances, again, I really don't remember which. What I do remember is his offer to manage us, and even get us recorded, and bringing us into a local area recording studio/rehearsal studio, with 
the full intention to do so. Of course we were all flattered and excited about what could happen next.

Well, here it is. We rehearsed, we played, we looked basically like you see above in pic 4, (except this pic has taken in our own rehearsal space) and he said, you look like a herd of buffalo, you need to...............

and we said HUH! We are rehearsing here, we are not putting on a stage show here (ironically the reason we were rehearsing there was to perform for some potential agents, and record people). He continued to hem and haw about how great we sounded but how we needed to look different, in more ways than one 

You dumb fuck! 

Anyhow, we tried to explain for a brief moment that we were rehearsing, and on stage it was a whole different animal, but really, what is or was the point, I ask? This guy was certainly no Brian Epstein or even  had a clue about the artist lol, because the one thing you don't do to a true artist, is try and change them or their art, or suggest they exploit themselves in some way, especially right off the bat. Keep in mind, this was the 70's, and the whole fiasco about what had happened to bands like Big Brother, and even the Beatles in some cases, had already set musical artists on guard.

Later on in the story, we did perform for some a showcase, and he was pretty astonished I believe, to find that whole different animal on stage. Needless to say, how do you trust someone with your life, or career, if they don't believe in YOU!

Anyway, just a little snippet of how people can be, and regardless of the outcome, how you as an artist should not let anyone tell you to change, or that you can't! (fill in the blanks) Wink  

I have lots of little snippets like that, hopefully all will be posted at some time or another.

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Posts : 483
Website Started : 2013-08-04
Location : The Tardis

The 1970's  Empty
PostSubject: Brother Man - Salt Lake City Band   The 1970's  EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 4:06 pm

One of the best bands I ever worked with,
an 8 piece horn band called Brother Man!
Good times, great gigs!

Do we look mad, only at the photographer who took so
bloody long!  lol.

The 1970's  19344434
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